Monthly Archives: August 2012

Final Thoughts

So many things happened on this amazing trip that I will never forget. I packed my bags and headed out to meet up with three groups of students and four teachers, spanning from the deserts of California, to the midlands of Wisconsin, to the far reaches of Kansas. All I had with me was the notion that I wanted these students and teachers to have a fabulous time. Little did I know that I would walk away from this experience with 34 new friendships in tow.

I can say openly and honestly that I have been changed. I feel humbled about the everyday luxuries that I take advantage of, open to new adventurous things that I never thought I would like, and full of rice and beans 🙂 In the 8 days that I spent in Costa Rica, I watched 30 students ranging from 13-18, come together and build fast and strong friendships. During zip lining, I witnessed 29 kids rally around 1 student conquering her fear of heights. Through tears, pats on the back, and the loudest shouts of encouragement and praise, she jumped off the ledge, and was cheered on by her new family. These moments…the ones that can never be captured on film, but resonate in your heart, are the ones that will wake me in the middle of the night, and make me smile.

I am amazed. I am changed. I am one of 35 who came, experienced, ate, lived, and breathed this beautiful country for a short snapshot of time. I have learned, watched, witnessed, done, and seen. I am adventurous, I am thankful, I am Discovery.

It has been a pleasure to travel with your students…they have left huge marks on my heart and I am forever changed by their genuineness, their smiles and laughter, their humor, and their “A-HA!” moments 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to witness your students taking their first big steps as global citizens, and world travelers – they are fantastic individuals with big hearts….I will never forget them!

Forever Humbly Yours,
~Aimee B.





Kansas group enjoying the last night with new friends!





Ridgecrest with our awesome driver Julio.
